Monday, July 16, 2007

Jaunted off to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I have only read the first book. My wife on the other had is a Potter devotee. I really enjoyed the fist three films particularly the first two. They were whimsical... the way they struck me was much like the first three Star Wars movies. Didnt take themselves to seriously.. tounge in check.. and full of wonder. great epic fairy tales.

'Order' however was very dark and brooding... but not dull and overly self important like the last three SW's Flicks.

There were a few parts that didn't seem very consitnat or clear, but Mary assures me that if i wasn't so lazy and took the time to read the book all of those questions are resolved.

On the other hand this film had a spirtual depth and very clear christilogical allegory that was not as rich in the previous episodes.

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