Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Took Merrily and the Grandchildren to the cottage with us for the weekend... we were joined by some dear friends who blew in from the windy city for a couple of days.

Man we packed alot of living into a short period of time... swimming, canoeing, fishing, working, fetching water, campfires, BQ's, movies, games, coversation, hugs, heart to hearts... seams as if we are always adding a new square to the multicoloured patchwork quilt of life.

Our youngest grandson along with the other two children had me in stitches as we played " the happyturnip". This game took on a life of it's own as our play grew along with our imaginations.

At one point i got bit by somthing.. was later told it was probably a pine bore, never heared of it. Any way i guess i was having a bit of a reaction. My arm swelled up, got numb and felt dizzy. My oldest grandson turns to me and says " Grandpa i can pray for you that's somthing i'm really good at"... bless his soul.

Another interesting moment came when the youngest, turned to me and posed the quinessential extesstential question... "is all this real or are we dreaming "... he's six.. where does this stuff come from...

I think what he was trying to say, was... is this to good to be true. Simply put "Man i'm having a great time and i don't want it to end"... i second that.

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