Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Great Miscalculation

We'll the back lash has begun. Recent polls tell us that if an election was held today the Conservatives would win a clear majority. The opposition has clearly succeded in polarizing their constituants.

I think we are wittnessing the results of blind ideological fanatisim. Rather than using their position to shape the buget. The conservatives backed down on there plans, i'm convinced the same pressure would have given the opposition parties a voice in shaping the next budget.The NDP and the Liberals dropped the ball. Instead they acted like frenzied sharks smelling blood. I believe they have lost credability with a large percentage of Canadians. All the hi-minded rethoric doesn't not seem tobe leaving much of an impretion on the hearts and minds of Canadians.

Polls would indicate that many are being pushed into the arms of Harper and his conservatives. I'm concerned the worse case senario could become the next realtiy. In seven weeks an impasse will pricipated an elction call. An election that the Harper conservatives will win.

I'm concerned that in retrospect the opposition coalition will be remembered as one of the great political miscalculations in Canadian history. Compromise and leverage will then be out of reach and the country will be plunged into greater political darkness.

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